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Eve's Rib gallery curators Interview with the Who Eats What magazine /extracts/ 

WEW : Today’s talk with the owners and curators, the artist and the designer of the newly opened gallery Eve’s Rib, Elena Belova and Sergey Rebrov.

Hello and welcome at our special Art edition ‘Who Eats That, Anyway?’

EB, SR : Hi and thanks for inviting us to your venue. We are great admirers of your magazine, and the What’s Left of Eat section in particular. 

WEW : The success of the opening night seems to be a promising sign of a public interest to all new Art world has to offer, so congratulations in order! 

EB, SR : Thank you! We are pleased but not surprised by the response, Art lovers are always hungry for something new to tickle their taste buds. So the first serving of our tasting menu is out. 

WEW : Yummy!:)  I’d like to start with an obvious question about the name of your gallery - Eve’s Rib, what it’s all about?  

EB : Initially there were two options for the name - Eve’s Rib and Spare Rib, both had something to do with human’s origins, but in different aspects. Everybody knows what came out of Adam’s rib and we wanted to speculate what could had come out of Eve’s rib given a chance. And Spare Rib would had given a nod to Eve’s birth itself. In the end the current name of our gallery had won. 

SR : Let me just add that my surname means ‘of a rib’ so maybe I also came out of Eve’s rib though my mother’s name is different. However if you think about the story about the first people, that rib was Adam’s and he was a man which… ( started talking to himself in quiet voice). 

WEW: Well, maybe we’ll come back to that later. Elena, it seemed to me that the objects in your first exhibition suggest that Eve was the source of nourishment for the creative humanity or I was wrong here and she’d simply played with the leftovers of her meals? How did you start using waste for making objects?  

EB : I always have been a fussy eater, with age the process of consuming meals slows down , giving more time to look at what you eat and consequently what is used for making those meals. The time taking to prepare dinner or supper eventually got longer as I starred at surfaces of fruit, veg, eggs, fish scales discovering their beauty and harmony that went unnoticed all this years before. Sometimes cooking would come to a complete halt while I stood froze mesmerised by the pearl-like membrane of an egg or veins of an avocado stone shell. So my waste bin gradually became void of all kind of stuff which migrated somewhere else waiting for its time of glory. 

WEW: What about you, Sergey? 

SR : It’s all even more prosaic with me - I just eat what Elena’s cooked though time between meals has increased and there have been more eggs and avocados recently. I’m not complaining, there is always hope that she’d find something beautiful about flour and dough and bake a cake for me. 

WEW : What such a cake might be? 

SR : It’s a good question though I’ve had plenty of time to think about it. Maybe it could be in a shape of a whole chicken, with stuffing and chocolate sause for gravy? 

WEW : Sounds good! Would that be enough to thank you for all the hard work you put in the designing the gallery space? 

SR : I had no choice, really - when your well-being’s in hands of your cook, you do your best to fit the brief. But of course it was a project that united us by one computer instead of two iPads.

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